This project has been funded with support of European Commission through Action 3.2 Youth in the World: Cooperation with countries other than the neighbouring countries of the European Union Call for Proposals EACEA/11/10.
This website reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein
Youth in the world 2010 Action 3.2
The aim of our project is to facilitate the exchange of experiences and good practices between youth, youth workers and youth leaders from 5 different countries representing 3 different continents (Europe, America and Africa). We particulary focus on youth who use art and culture as tools for inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities and for promotion of cultural diversity in order to support the development of long term partnerships between groups having similar interests and priorities. These partnerhips highlights several topics as the huge cultural potential of Latin America represented by Brazil and Argentina and the historical links between these regions and latin countries as Italy and Spain, the sensibilization to the situation in Africa about poverty favouring the relationship between Europe and Africa about this priority, the valorization of European citizenship giving it a World dimenstion in order to build a World active citizenship through intercultural dialogue and learning through youth people from all over the World; the attention to pay to sustainable development in a global vision involving all the continents here represented.
Last news
We have conducted a preliminary survey among all heads of ngo’s, network and network members in order to, on one hand identify the best practices and the most successful methods and approaches that they use to manage and coordinate their national networks, and on the other hand to figure out the weak points and aspects in their work that need to be improved
Youth in Action- 2010- Call fro Proposals 3.2- Application N. 184824- 3.2- IT- 2010